The Ballad of The Bush Leagues
Part 17, 'lection Day
Election Day is here!
Time to crack open a beer and
Get in line with my fellow voters
I see once every four years
How you doin', Bob?
You really votin for that slob?
"I'm not talkin' just keep on walkin'
I don't want to lose my job!"
Look, there's Peggy Sue!
Are you voting Red or Blue?
"I ain't tellin – just drink your beer
You know it's illegal to electioneer!"
I sense a climate of fear,
Perhaps intimidation.
Prevailing wisdom deems it best to
Conceal affiliation
With a team too red or blue
As one's contemporaries might object unto –
I'll just vote and be on my way;
The TV will tell me what the people have to say...
"The early leader is Kerry
But the big states are yet to be counted
Plenty of votes remain up for grabs
A late-inning charge could be mounted."
That's all they've got? I thought this was digital –
All these new machines...
I miss the weather lady!
Those pants she wears drive me crazy.
But she's not part of the coverage
So I guess i'll have another beverage
While the map fills up with red...
Is Dubya really ahead?
"President Bush has taken the lead."
"An impressive sweep of the South indeed!"
"We've just lost our Ohio feed
Please tune in tomorrow!"
Sleep won't come easy
With an answer pending
As to whether our story has a
One-term ending
Or whether it continue,
Leaving me in arrears
To my pad and paper for
Another four years –
A debt I'll proudly pay
If indeed the people decide today,
"We want our George just Like Valley Forge
Where he chopped down that tree one day!"