The Ballad of The Bush Leagues

Part 3, The Scandal of N. Ron

N. Ron built a company
Distributing the energy.
Nicely did it pay his rent
With plenty left for President.

His team thought outside the box,
Converted its assets to paper.
An intangible structure of channels and streams
Just ripe for a partnership caper.

Andersen kept the balance sheet clean as
Scores of employees were duly reamed.
They held fast to their optional dreams while
Management sold off in tranches.

I hear that George W. might be connected
To the Tower of Babel N. Ron erected.
Mr. N. Ron and Dubya are buddies longstandin',
And all through the White House reside their companions...

"This N Ron thing is too much stress
The playoffs are on an I've laid some bets-
Football and a bowl of pretzels,
Green Bay? That's not in Tex-AAAAACK!"

Spot and Barney rush to his side
One licks his wounds, the other applies
A doggie-style Heimlich manouever
To expel snacks George ain't chewed yet.

"This bump on my head, it's not to worry
I choked on a pretzel in a sports-crazed hurry
If only I'd listened to mom when she said,
'Chew your food when you eat or you might end up dead!'"

This funny little accident,
Though nearly did his brain indent,
Put his noggin back onto the course,
Knocked his wood back through use of great force.

His focus once again tight, Junior
Settles in for a long hard fight,
Disperses troops to the Philippines
While Gov'ner Ridge mans the homeland screen

Gov. Tom Ridge, who the hell is that?
I guess it don't matter much, does it...
Bush says he's the man to carry his plan,
He ran Pennsylvania so he's the perfect guy
to coordinate national security...

Pardon my unpatriotic digression.
While I'm busy doubting, Dubya's addressin'
The overall State of the Union
And gettin' his red white and blue on...

"Citizens, patriots, members of Congress
Let it be known that a war is upon us.
Justice we seek and justice we'll get
We're just getting started, you've seen nothin' yet.

"Iran, Iraq and North Korea,
They're constitutin' an Axis of Evil.
The world has a choice, it's us or them;
We stand for freedom and we're gonna win!

"And y'all can help, each and ev'ry Amer'can,
Visit a shut in, smile at a Muslim.
I hereby unleash a Compassionate Army:
We'll take care of business, you just act smarmy."


2 - The Test


4 - Let's Roll!